Pre ICPR Events


Pre ICPR Events


Sean Goldy, PhD

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Speaker Bio

Sean Goldy completed his Ph.D. in Psychological Science at the University of California, Irvine. His research investigates the psychology of self-transcendent experiences (e.g., awe-inspiring ones) and their impact on individuals and society, particularly those related to prosociality and well-being. He has used a variety of methods and analytical techniques—including experiments, field studies, natural language processing, and large-scale surveys—to examine the antecedents, subjective effects, and consequences of self-transcendent experience. As a postdoc at the Johns Hopkins Psychedelics and Consciousness Research, he’s focused on examining the subjective effects of psychedelics and the role they play in therapeutic outcomes via rigorous clinical research. Current projects include natural language processing of psychedelic trip reports, many-analysts approaches to measuring subjective effects scales, and designing trials comparing DMT and 5-MeO-DMT.

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© 2007-2024 ICPR by OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
© 2007-2024 ICPR by OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands